Refund Policy
The following is a Refund Policy that users agree together with terms and conditions to use our website and services provided by SionMatrimony. If users do not agree to our Refund Policy, Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy then they are advised to discontinue using our website and other services.
  1. SionMatrimony does not provide refunds to its customers for any reason. However, users can request to delete their profile without any additonal charges.
  2. SionMatrimony does not guarantee suitable matches. Users cannot claim refunds for failing to find suitable matches.
  3. Users cannot claim refund after deleting their profiles. All payments are final and do not qualify for refunds.
  4. If Users do not receive proper response from other matches, SionMatrimony is not liable to refund payments.
  5. SionMatrimony can delete profiles at our own discreetion or any other reason to protect the interest of our firm and also other users. If any user is found to be violating our terms or using abusive language then we reserve the right to discontinue our services without notification. Refunds will not be provided to banned and deleted users.